February 19 2013 Update

Preparing for PET scan on the 21st. All protein, no carbohydrates.My company,Mirror Image Golf Swing, LLC (www.mirrorimagegolfswing.com)  sent Nora a beautiful boquet today (from partners Steve Anderson, MItch Laurance, Sara Fields and Dave Lavery). Take a look:

Thank you
Talk about a bunch of good people.

We also got a fantastic care package from The Sisters Coleman! Not only are the three of you the most beautiful women in the world, you put up with your sister, my bride. She needs you … in her own way. We love you. We love you al.

Footnote: Where we now live is “Really Rural; Ridgeland.” While our neighborhood is peaceful, even joyful, Jasper County is a bit rough. When the kif dropped these flowers off today he was very hesitant. As he slowly approached me, he said, “I’m not trespassing am I? I can deliver these flowers, right? Thank you sir, thank you~” And off he went, relieved, I an sure, I wasdn’t carrying a shotgun. Rest assured, Boyd Creek Drive is very restful and laid back. But I couldn’t stop ;laughing.

Please know that Nora reads everything on the blog.


3 thoughts on “February 19 2013 Update

  1. Brother Bill

    Keeping up with your progress. Hope it’s ok we put you on our church prayer list. Of course, we’re willing to help however we can, but giving you space till you need us.


  2. Sandy & Mark

    Thinking of you today , hope the Pet scan went ok and that the news will be good. I’m still giggling over Paul’s story of the flower delivery. Do y’all ever hear banjo music out there ? I couldn’t resist, what a hoot !
    Helen & Ron send their love from Fla. Saw your Dad and its amazing how good he looks. As you can imagine, you’re always in his thoughts these days and he gets misty eyed when speaking of you. We heard quite a few stories of you when you were a young girl. I’m sure that wild spirit will help you battle through this bump in life. We’re sending a lot of prayers your way and lots of love , but we may give the poor delivery guy a break and lay off the flowers !
    When you feel up to it , maybe we can play phone tag again..
    Love ya girl

  3. Tana Coleman Melton

    What a lovely bouquet that can certainly brighten the day! Ridgeland sounds like my kind of place…in the boonies with good neighbors and a simple life. Paul, don’t be looking so rough next time the delivery truck is searching for a friendly face. Seriously, Nora, thinking of you every day and always anxious to hear your news which Paul shares so well. Good to have a writer in the midst! I remember one nurse telling Bill to take a day at a time and not to look too far ahead — today is what’s important. I’m not sure how well Bill did with that because he wanted everything to happen now, but I do think it’s good advice. On advice…take what you will and leave the rest. We love you Nora.



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