“One should not bring sympathy to a sick man. It is always kindly meant, and, of course it has to be taken–but it isn’t much of an improvement on castor oil. One who has a sick man’s true interest at heart will forbear spoken sympathy, and bring him surreptitious soup and fried oysters and other trifles that the doctor has tabooed.”
— Mark Twain
One left.
Nora had her second to last chemo treatment today! One left to go. Blood numbers were good but BP and pulse off. Which is why she is totally exhausted. “Ms. Energy 2012” has changed her title to “Ms. Give-me-a-second 2013.” Impossible to believe we’ve been doing this since February. We meet tomorrow with Nora’s PA, Stephanie, to discuss the fatigue.
Boyd Creek is still the best medicine. Since Nora’s immune system is still compromised, visits are limited and no crowds (stores, parties [ha ha], movies).
So the peace of our place continues to comfort Nora. As do our neighbors, our friends. How did we get so damn lucky?
I had a wonderful Father’s Day visit from daughter Sarah and beau Jeremy. I was served a big breakfast and received very funny cards, a magnificent Hawaiian shirt (I am prone to wear these), and was treated to 9 holes of golf at Sergeant Jasper CC. Daughter Sarah is getting quite good. Very proud of her.
Mastectomy scheduled for mid-July. When Nora heals from the operation, weeks of daily radiation follow on Hilton Head. Nora will be staying with Sarah and Jeremy. At least that’s the treatment schedule today. Tests in July will affect how we go forward.
Several (dozens?) of you have asked how I am doing. I’m fine. Had an extensive physical last Saturday and I passed with gliding colors. (I have been told that after 65 you “glide” rather than “fly.” I am not convinced.)
You have all be so wonderful, thoughtful, understanding. Thank you.
P.S. Please remember to pass the word along. Our $1 = $1.50 matching donor offer ends June 30. You have all been so generous and amazing. This, even more so. Spread the word. Tell all your Face Book/Twitter/Pinterest, etc. friends to visit Nora’s gofundme.com site. Just think. If ten of your friends donated $1, through the magic of matching funds it becomes $1.50! I’m just funning with you, but that’s sure better than the stock market.