Update, August 25, 2013

The Headache that won’t go away

We spent yesterday (Saturday) afternoon and evening in the ER at Hilton Head Hospital. Was there an emergency? When Nora says she’d rather be in chemo than having this persistent headache, it’s an emergency. Nora’s PA passed on all the tests and current information about her condition which is, simply put, intense back pain (at the tail bone) and even more intense headache.

The ER visit did help determine the cause of the back pain. An MRI was done of her back. It showed Nora has two herniated (“slipped”) disks in her lower back (and, thank God, nothing else). Treatment: steroids. We’ll see.

She was also dehydrated (this from “Ms. Aqua, 2013” – 64 oz. water daily) and had low potassium levels. Part of that is because she hasn’t eaten much of anything in three days (today she did have yogurt [2] and glazed donuts [2] – a rare find in Ridgeland – who knew?).

Her neurologist did give her a stronger dose of meds for the pain, but nothing is cutting it.  (Neurologist’s nurse on the phone: “How long had Nora been in a wheel chair when we saw her?” My reply: “15 minutes.” That was the first time she needed that kind of assistance to get to a doc’s office.)

bob and tybee

Tybee (back row) and Bob, the Centurions.

Nora is frustrated. She wants to get on with the radiation therapy but we can’t do anything until this is solved. She can’t walk unaided. She (and I) hates this. The dogs (Tybee and Bob) continue to wait and watch, protecting their beloved.

Will be meeting with two docs this week (a new one and the neurologist). Please keep sending love.


Blue Moon Storm

Clear night sky plus blue moon
made daylight above my
bedroom window while below
on night’s horizon, a brilliant
row of black clouds spit lightning
at our young pine forest.

She cannot be here. She is
in the next room. Pill bottles
line the dresser. Lightning bolts
rattle her window and sleep.

One thought on “Update, August 25, 2013

  1. Judy Hamill

    Yes, LOVE … lots & lots of it. I am so frustrated (angry and sad) reading about this pain.
    I can’t imagine how you feel. I close my eyes and hug you both and try to will the pain away. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you both so much!


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